Khoisan Mint: A Blockchain-Based Currency

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What is KhoisanCoin?

Get started with KhoisanCoin

The present invention introduces the Digital Obligatory Lawful Redeemable (KSC) collateralised stablecoin, a revolutionary monetary system built on blockchain technology that offers a digital asset in the form of coins, backed by the real-time price of Gold. This currency, known as KSC, is designed to function as a cash element like that of traditional fiat currencies (such as the Euro, GB Pound, US Dollar), but serves the purpose of parallelizing the value of gold to provide enhanced security and stability for the asset. The KSC can be acquired through a web portal and mobile app, enabling worldwide accessibility, and seamless transactions. The platform operates on a unique protocol developed by Dr. Alexander, which facilitates secure value transfer and exchange via a distributed ledger. All transactions are validated through consensus, ensuring full transparency and integrity within the system. The value of KSC is pegged to the price of gold, offering a reliable and tangible basis for its worth. The currency is additionally backed by a multi-billion dollar gold bond security, further reinforcing its stability and trustworthiness.


Buy KhoisanCoin

Buy KhoisanCoin Securely purchase KhoisanCoin(KSC) with your debit or credit card to join the digital currency revolution.


Action Plan for Initial Launch

The Khoisan blockchain system, including the node software, command prompt mining setup, browser cache utilization, and Enum Calendar synchronization, is developed and thoroughly tested to ensure its functionality, security, and stability.

Compliance with relevant financial regulations, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, is ensured to meet regulatory standards and gain necessary approvals.

512 globally placed server nodes are deployed, each running the node software and synchronized with the Enum Calendar to form a distributed network.

KhoisanCoin action plan

Miners of the KhoisanCoin system are required to download and install node software that grants them access to the public and private ledgers of the blockchain. This software enables them to participate in the mining process and earn rewards.

Dr. Alexander's system allows users to manage the mining effort from classical computer architecture by running the mining process at the command prompt (DOS level). This approach minimizes potential vulnerabilities associated with counter software and prevents hackers from exploiting Windows backdoors.

The KhoisanCoin system leverages the browser cache to enhance the refresh rate and overall system maintenance. By utilizing the cache, miners can access and process data more efficiently, optimizing the performance of the blockchain network.

Accessibility and Usability

Traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have experienced significant price volatility, which raises concerns for those seeking a more stable medium of exchange. The KhoisanCoin Blockchain system, backed by the price of gold, provides a more stable and reliable value proposition, offering users a cash element with a consistent and tangible underlying asset.

The KhoisanCoin Blockchain system is designed with security and regulatory compliance in mind. By incorporating features like command prompt mining, browser cache utilization, and clock synchronization with the Enum Calendar, the system ensures a higher level of security and minimizes vulnerabilities compared to other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, the 20 billion dollar gold bond security further reinforces the system's trustworthiness.

Unlike some cryptocurrencies that derive their value solely from speculative trading, the KhoisanCoin is backed by real-world assets in the form of gold. This backing provides a tangible basis for the currency's value, increasing confidence among users and mitigating the risk of extreme price fluctuations.

The most comprehensive Global KhoisanCoin Mining

The present invention introduces KhoisanCoin Mint, a revolutionary monetary system built on blockchain technology that offers a digital asset in the form of coins backed by the real-time price of gold. This currency, known as KhoisanCoin, is designed to function as a cash element, similar to traditional fiat currencies such as the US dollar. However, it serves the purpose of parallelizing the value of gold to provide enhanced security and stability for the asset. KhoisanCoin can be acquired through a web portal and mobile app, enabling global accessibility and seamless transactions. The platform operates on a unique protocol developed by Dr. Alexander, which facilitates secure value transfer and exchange through a distributed ledger. All transactions are validated through consensus, ensuring transparency and integrity in the system. The value of KhoisanCoin is pegged 1 to 1 with the price of gold, offering a reliable and tangible basis for its worth. The currency is backed by a 20 billion dollar gold bond security, further reinforcing its stability and trustworthiness.

Step 1

Install node JS

Step 2

Install KhoisanCoin mining app

Step 3

Login and get reward for Node Network Log
